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Funk 0.2 released

Monday 19 October 2009 15:08

Funk 0.2 has just been released -- you can find it on the Cheese Shop, or you can always get the latest version from Gitorious. You can also take a peek at Funk's documentation.

The most important change is a change of syntax. Before, you might have written:

database = context.mock()

Now, rather than calling the methods on the mock itself, you should use the functions in funk:

from funk import expects
from funk import allows
from funk import expects_call
from funk import allows_call
from funk import set_attr


database = context.mock()
set_attr(database, connected=False)

If you want, you can leave out the use of with_args, leading to a style very similar to JMock:

from funk import expects
from funk import allows
from funk import expects_call
from funk import allows_call


database = context.mock()

To help transition old code over, you can use funk.legacy:

from funk.legacy import with_context

def test_view_saves_tags_to_database(context):
    database = context.mock()

One final change in the interface is that has_attr has been renamed to set_attr. Hopefully, the interface should be more stable from now on.

There's also a new feature in that you can now specify base classes for mocks. Let's say we have a class called TagRepository, with a single method fetch_all(). If we try to mock calls to fetch_all(), everything will work fine. If we try to mock calls to any other methods on TagRepository, an AssertionError will be raised:

def test_tag_displayer_writes_all_tag_names_onto_separate_lines(context):
    tag_repository = context.mock(TagRepository)
    expects(tag_repository).fetch_all().returns([Tag('python'), Tag('debian')]) # Works fine
    expects(tag_repository).fetch_all_tags() # Raises an AssertionError

Two words of caution about using this feature. Firstly, this only works if the method is explicitly defined on the base class. This is often not the case if the method is dynamically generated, such as by overriding __getattribute__ on the type.

Secondly, this is no substitute for integration testing. While its true that the unit test above would not have failed, there should have been some integration test in your system that would have failed due to the method name change. The aim of allowing you to specify the base class is so that you can find that failure a little quicker.

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment.

Topics: Funk, Mocking, Python, Testing

Thoughts? Comments? Feel free to drop me an email at hello@zwobble.org. You can also find me on Twitter as @zwobble.