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Test reuse

Monday 18 February 2013 10:38

Code reuse is often discussed, but what about test reuse? I don't just mean reusing common code between tests -- I mean running exactly the same tests against different code. Imagine you're writing a number of different implementations of the same interface. If you write a suite of tests against the interface, any one of your implementations should be able to make the tests pass. Taking the idea even further, I've found that you can reuse the same tests whenever you're exposing the same functionality through different methods, whether as a library, an HTTP API, or a command line interface.

As an example, suppose you want to start up a virtual machine from some Python code. We could use QEMU, a command line application on Linux that lets you start up virtual machines. Invoking QEMU directly is a bit ugly, so we wrap it up in a class. As an example of usage, here's what a single test case might look like:

def can_run_commands_on_machine():
    provider = QemuProvider()
    with provider.start("ubuntu-precise-amd64") as machine:
        shell = machine.shell()
        result = shell.run(["echo", "Hello there"])
        assert_equal("Hello there\n", result.output)

We create an instance of QemuProvider, use the start method to start a virtual machine, and then run a command on the virtual machine, and check the output. However, other than the original construction of the virtual machine provider, there's nothing in the test that relies on QEMU specifically. So, we could rewrite the test to accept provider as an argument to make it implementation agnostic:

def can_run_commands_on_machine(provider):
    with provider.start("ubuntu-precise-amd64") as machine:
        shell = machine.shell()
        result = shell.run(["echo", "Hello there"])
        assert_equal("Hello there\n", result.output)

If we decided to implement a virtual machine provider using a different technology, for instance by writing the class VirtualBoxProvider, then we can reuse exactly the same test case. Not only does this save us from duplicating the test code, it means that we have a degree of confidence that each implementation can be used in the same way.

If other people are implementing your interface, you could provide the same suite of tests so they can run it against their own implementation. This can give them some confidence that they've implemented your interface correctly.

What about when you're implementing somebody else's interface? Writing your own set of implementation-agnostic tests and running it existing implementations is a great way to check that you've understood the interface. You can then use the same tests against your code to make sure your own implementation is correct.

We can take the idea of test reuse a step further by testing user interfaces with the same suites of tests that we use to implement the underlying library. Using our virtual machine example, suppose we write a command line interface (CLI) to let people start virtual machines manually. We could test the CLI by writing a separate suite of tests. Alternatively, we could write an adaptor that invokes our own application to implement the provider interface:

class CliProvider(object):
    def start(self, image_name):
        output = subprocess.check_output([
            _APPLICATION_NAME, "start", image_name
        return CliMachine(_parse_output(output))

Now, we can make sure that our command-line interface behaves correctly using the same suite of tests that we used to test the underlying code. If our interface is just a thin layer on top of the underlying code, then writing such an adaptor is often reasonably straightforward.

I often find writing clear and clean UI tests is hard. Keeping a clean separation between the intent of the test and the implementation is often tricky, and it takes discipline to stop the implementation details from leaking out. Reusing tests in this way forces you to hide those details behind the common interface.

If you're using nose in Python to write your tests, then I've put the code I've been using to do this in a separate library called nose-set-tests.

Topics: Testing, Software design, Python

Thoughts? Comments? Feel free to drop me an email at hello@zwobble.org. You can also find me on Twitter as @zwobble.